Why Do This?


Weight has always been an issue for me. I started out as a thin man with a healthy appetite but eventually gained a lot of weight. It was small things at first, don't breath during picture taking but eventually it became a problem specially with clothes. Of course being fat itself is not an issue but culture dictates differently. Toxic relatives will always have that disappointed look in their faces and yes they will attribute being fat to being single. It was hard and yes annoying. 

I had to face it I became fat. 

Eventually I got around to getting engaged and well you know how it goes I worked my ass off on a new gym method called Kinesis. It was a combination of lots of running and weightlifting. It worked and from 220 I dropped to 160. 

It was a happy day for me. I was a new man, well aside from the toxic relatives telling me I look too thin (really) 

I got married looking dapper. It was the start of a new me. I'm not going to be fat again since I was doing home exercises.

After a few years I realised an ugly truth. Weight, left to its own will come back. I kept putting exercising off since I knew I can do it anytime and I was surprised that my old belly bag was back.

I tried to come back using exercises but It was harder and I felt no motivation. After a few trial and error I found out that a diet was working for me more.

I have been doing a low carb diet and so far I'm almost back to my old ideal weight.

To cut the long story short I am here to share with you the learnings I have achieved through using different methods, exercise, diets, and products. 

So let's learn together and provide our own opinions if it really works or not. 

We're not looking for just thin, We're looking for healthy thin.

We're not here to diet forever, we're here to be healthy enough that we can eat what we want, when we want it.

Let us journey together to the world of fitness and nutrition and come out a better version of ourselves.
